A personal view from the Lodge Historian
R W Bro Alan Tibbetts, PDepDistGM (Ontario, GL Canada) Alan Tibbets

  1. The manifesto system of selecting a Worshipful Master.
  2. Having two meetings per year outside Manchester to see other Halls and meet other Masons.
  3. International get-togethers including group visits to local Lodges.
  4. E-mail communication with members on a daily basis.
  5. The Community, with its variety of serious discussions, working groups and informal blogs.
  6. The ability to pay subscriptions and social event fees on-line.
  7. Worldwide membership providing contacts for personal Lodge visits or social visits.
  8. Worldwide membership exposing us to other workings, attitudes, experiences, procedures.
  9. Web site archive of photos, papers, minutes etc. to plot our progress.
  10. The wide range of experience, interests and skills of a diverse membership that can benefit Internet Lodge and its individual members.