Foot to foot that we may go,
Where our help we can bestow,
Pointing out the better way,
Lest our brothers go astray.
Thus our steps should always lead
To the souls that are in need

Knee to knee, that we may share
Every brother’s needs in prayer;
Giving all his wants a place,
When we seek the throne of grace.
In our thoughts from day to day
For each other we should pray

Breast to breast, to there conceal,
What our lips must not reveal;
When a brother does confide,
We must by his will abide.
Masons’s secrets to us known
We must cherish as our own

Hand to back, our love to show
To the brother, bending low,
Underneath a ,load of care,
Which we may and ought to share
That the weak may always stand
Let us lend a helping hand.

Cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear,
That our lips may whisper cheer,
To our brother in distress;
Whom our words can aid and bless.
Warn him if he fails to see,
Dangers that are known to thee

Foot to foot, and knee to knee,
Breast to breast, as brothers we;
Hand to back and mouth to ear,
Then that mystic word we hear.
Which we otherwise conceal,
But on these five points reveal.