Welcome to the web-site of Internet Lodge No. 9659
You may assume that as we are the Internet Lodge we are all fully computer literate. How wrong you are! Yes you require email access and a basic understanding on how to send and receive emails but as for anything technical, well if I can survive, them anyone can.
Internet Lodge is different from the point of view that we have a membership from a large number of countries throughout the world. This membership provides us with a very diverse understanding of Freemasonry universal. The wealth of knowledge that the membership holds is immense so there is rarely a question asked for which some Brother will not have the answer.
As for our meetings we meet just like a regular Lodge does in Masonic Halls that are situated within the area of United Grand Lodge of England. As Worshipful Master you get to choose where you would like to hold your meetings with the exception of the Installation Meeting. This is always at the home our East Lancashire Provincial Masonic hall in Bridge Street, Manchester, England, the home of our Lodge Warrant.
What does the content of our meetings consist of ? Each Worshipful Master is able to choose the subject and content of his meetings. This year I have arranged two lectures and the venues chosen are Boston Masonic Hall, Boston Lincolnshire and Westhoughton Masonic Hall, in the Province of West Lancashire. The Boston meeting in August will be a lecture on Masonic Music and as our opening ode was written in this hall I feel that it is an appropriate venue. The Westhoughton Meeting in October will be a lecture on Grand Charity and as one of the past Charity Stewards of Internet Lodge this is a subject that is very dear to my heart.
As with Past Masters before me I shall continue with the theme of promoting International Brotherhood. We are very fortunate to have as a member MW. Brother Mladen, the Grand Master of Slovenia. The Grand Master and Brother Borut Sonce have assisted me in organising a visit. This visit will be in June and we will spend time both with our Slovenian brothers and their families, attend a lodge meeting and be treated to visits to some of the most picturesque countryside in the world. As usual we will be accompanied with our wives and partners on the visit.
Should this overview I have presented have whetted your appetite to learn more and expand your knowledge as Freemason then Internet Lodge is well worth considering. If you are not a Freemason and think that this may be of interest to you, then we have a membership team that may be able to guide you to a convenient Lodge in your area.
As Freemasons we recognise that humanity needs moral and ethical men who are not afraid to stand and voice their opinions on what is right and what is wrong in today's society.
I hope that you have enjoyed your visit to our web site.
Bill Holden P.P.D.G.Supt.Wks, West Lancashire.
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge 9659.