Welcome to the web-site of Internet Lodge No. 9659On behalf of all the members of Internet Lodge No 9659, which is a regular Masonic Lodge under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England, I bid you a very warm welcome to our website. Our Lodge, consecrated in 1998, can justly claim to be the world's oldest truly International Internet Masonic Lodge with members in many countries and in every continent.
If you are a fellow Mason then I extend to you our most cordial greetings as a Brother. Please explore our website, and if you are interested in our concept of International Freemasonry why not consider joining us. No matter where you are in the World you will be only as far away from your Masonic colleagues as you are from your keyboard. As well as our electronic interchanges we do hold three regular physical lodge meetings each year and our subscription is quite small. To find out more please visit this page
Alternatively if your interest is to find out more about Freemasonry then you are also especially welcome. I hope that you will learn more about our worldwide fraternity which genuinely transcends all forms of racial, religious or political prejudice and supports the excellent principles of international understanding and harmony. We believe that, given the geographical spread of its membership, our Lodge is a true representation of those doctrines.
One of Freemasonry's principal objects is Charity. As well as supporting its own charities it supports many non-Masonic causes. In the United Kingdom Freemasonry's giving to non-Masonic Charities is surpassed only by The National Lottery.
Please feel free to browse around our site. We hope you enjoy it and find it, and the many links which we provide, interesting, stimulating and informative, and if you wish to discover how to become a Freemason visit please see the How to Become a Mason pages on the United Grand Lodge of England web site.
John Dutchman-Smith
Worshipful Master
Internet Lodge 9659