Welcome, you have arrived at the web pages of Internet Lodge No. 9659.

Alan Turton WM optThis is the site of a very different Lodge.Why?

Because membership is spread across the habitable surface of the Globe.

We use the Internet to share our experiences, thoughts and hopes with one another and hold meetings at changing locations around England three times a year. Our Installation Meeting though is regularly held in Manchester when every March we install a new Master of the Lodge.

For those who are not Free Masons I hope you find our web site pages interesting and informative and inspire you with the warmth we share with one another and the world we live in. I also hope the things we do and the camaraderie of our Lodge warms your thoughts and that we in turn spread some warmth to you and the world.

To our Masonic readers I hope you will find something of interest in our website and our articles and papers, inspiring in your dally journey in the advancement of your Masonic knowledge.

Our projects for the year are Supporting our Charities locally, nationally and internationally with a 3 year project supporting UNICEF the international children‘s charity. We will also be looking at disabled access for our members in both communication and access to our meetings and we are in the process of restructuring our management to better serve our members as we steadily grow.

On founding our Lodge in 1998 we had only 102 members and now in 2016 we have 408 members and our members come from 85 Grand Lodges around the world.

Please enjoy your visit to our web pages and our Band of Brothers in this warm, happy and vibrant lodge.

Bro.Alan B. Turton
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge No. 9659